Elderly Services

“Opportunities for the Elderly Project for 2014-2016”
“Special Awards Projects”
TWGHs Wilson T.S. Wang District Elderly Community Centre
“Love & Traditional Games between Generations”

Wilson T.S. Wang District Elderly Community Centre launched the Opportunities for the Elderly Project -“Love & Traditional Games between Generations” from June, 2015 to February, 2016. The project was granted a special award by Social Welfare Department on 30 September, 2016 to recognize the profound contribution of elderly. It aimed at enhancing intergenerational love by the means of traditional games or toys sharing among the youth and elderly as well as promoting the Chinese Culture of ‘Play’. With the support of volunteers, schools and other service units in Shatin, 15 programs were implemented and 1,319 people served.

王澤森長者地區中心之「玩樂傳承耆妙愛」計劃 <br/> 獲頒發 老有所為活動計劃 之「突顯長者貢獻獎」
The grandparents played the traditional games and enjoyed the fun together with their grandchild.

王澤森長者地區中心之「玩樂傳承耆妙愛」計劃 <br/> 獲頒發 老有所為活動計劃 之「突顯長者貢獻獎」
The elder volunteers were the ‘Play Ambassadors’ and shared how to play the traditional games with teenagers. They experienced the happiness of games with simple tools 

王澤森長者地區中心之「玩樂傳承耆妙愛」計劃 <br/> 獲頒發 老有所為活動計劃 之「突顯長者貢獻獎」
Mr Ivan YIU Tze-leung (Community Services Secretary), Mrs Alice LEUNG Bick-king (Assistant Community Services Secretary (Elderly Services) and Mrs Gloria LEE (District Social Welfare Officer (Sha Tin) / Social Welfare Department) showed appreciation to the project volunteers in the ‘2016 Opportunities for the Elderly Project Award Presentation Ceremony’ held by Social Welfare Department. The volunteers were satisfied that their PLAY wisdom was recognized.