Our Services
Services Scope
Elderly Services: Gearing to the varied needs of the elderly population, elderly services provided by Tung Wah aim at enabling senior citizens to enjoy dignified and happy life through a range of community support and residential services offered by 70 service centres for the elderly.
Youth and Family Services: The youth and family services include day care services for infants and pre-school children, residential services for children and young people, integrated services for family and young people, specialized counseling services, school social work and student guidance services and hotline services. A total of 86 service centres have offered caring support, counseling and development opportunities to children, young people and families in need.
Rehabilitation Services: Tung Wah has been very active in developing rehabilitation services to the development of the physical, mental and social capabilities of disabled adults, as well as the realization of an environment conductive to their full participation in social life. A spectrum of services have been offered through the 60 rehabilitation services centres, ranging from day training, vocational rehabilitation to residential care service and community support service. Parent work, counseling and guidance services for family members and community education programmes are also provided to enhance public acceptance and integration of the disabled into the community.
Social Enterprises and Social Innovation: Tung Wah staunchly supports the development of Social Enterprise by operating various centres, for example the establishment of vegetable and fruit processing and supply service, catering services, bakery, food pack and delivery, studio, cleaning unit and tuck-shop, etc. These social enterprises are not only creating more job opportunities for the underprivileged, but also funding its other social services through the profits earned.