
服務單位/計劃名稱 電話 傳真 地址 開辦年份 主任 電郵
馬興秋安老院 2691 9363 2608 1412 新界沙田瀝源邨福海樓6字樓 1976 鄭頴華
馬李示聘安老院 2556 7952 / 2556 9037 2558 1136 香港柴灣興華邨二期展興樓五樓 1979 侯偉烈
何東安老院 2351 2953 / 2351 3140 2322 9799 九龍富山邨富仁樓二樓 1981 馮詩雅
羅文壎安老院 2605 7172 2605 7169 新界沙田大圍美林邨美楊樓二樓 1982 吳金玲
許麗娟安老院 2667 1803 / 2664 6264 2660 7202 新界大埔大元邨泰寧樓A座地下及1字樓 1983 詹嘉倩
方王換娣安老院 2669 7697 2669 0265 新界粉嶺祥華邨祥德樓地下及1字樓 1987 馮婉誼
莫黃鳳儀安老院 2604 2293 2608 0715 新界沙田新翠邨新儀樓3字樓 1987 林俊秋
陳嫺安老院 2641 5582 2643 4937 新界沙田馬鞍山耀安邨耀謙樓地下及1字樓 1990 阮衛俊
寶鍾全英安老院 2675 9308 2676 2770 新界粉嶺華明邨信明樓地下及1字樓 1991 許雅琳
馬鄭淑英安老院 2728 5226 - 7 2725 1771 九龍深水埗李鄭屋邨和睦樓地下及二樓 1991 陳美玲
梁昌紀念安老院 2445 1083 2445 3155 新界天水圍天耀邨耀逸樓地下及1字樓 1992 李秀玲
賽馬會朗逸居 2292 3488 2292 3400 香港黃竹坑南朗山道29號東華三院賽馬會松朗安老綜合中心低層地下至二樓 2016 廖惠如


TWGHs Tenancy Management for Senior-owner Occupiers

Tel: 9311 8266
Fax: 2803 2702
Address: M Floor, Shop 5, Hong Ning House,
Tung Fai Gardens, 17 Po Yan Street,
Sheung, Wan, HK.
Service Hour: Monday to Friday 9: 00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Website: http://tmso.tungwahcsd.org


Facebook: TMSO
District: Hong Kong

Service Scope

In order to generate more stable income for frail elderly to subsidize their late life medical and long term care expenses by releasing the potential values of their own property after they were admitted to nursing home facilities, Tung Wah first piloted the Tenancy Management Service for Senior Owner-occupiers, to help elderly persons to finance their own long term care expenses through social innovation.

The project aims at assisting the elderly people to renovate and rent out their own property to receive monthly rental incomes to support their long term care and late life expenses.

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