Lok Yung District Support Centre (Islands)


According to the Social Welfare Department's fee charging standard, the service charges are as follows:

Category of services Fee charging
Membership fee $21 per year
Service Items
Home visit by physiotherapist / occupational therapist
Centre-based care and support service
Home-based care and support service (including escort service)
Transportation fee

$52 per session*
$5.1 per hour
$33 per hour
$10 per trip

*Eαch session of visit lasts for 45 minutes

Others groups, activities, food, transportation and respite service are charged as appropriate.

# Those with financial difficulties could apply for financial assistance.
# All services are restricted to members of centre only.


Membership: Open to all

How to Apply

Application can be made directly by self-application or via social workers of welfare service units

How to Terminate

Membership will be stopped after the expiry date due to any circumstances (including self-withdrawal or no longer eligible to receive services) until the member renews the membership