Our Services >
Rehabilitation Services >
Community Support Services for Persons with Disabilities >
Sunshine Kids Team F
Our trans-disciplinary teams (including occupational therapist, physiotherapist, speech therapist, clinical psychologist, educational psychologist, special early childhood practitioner and social worker) offer the following services.
For Children
On-site Preschool Rehabilitation Services
- Conduct comprehensive developmental assessments and design individualized education plans (IEP) according to individual needs;
- Provide individual/ group on-site training or classroom support. On need basis, some of the training will be conducted in our training centres;
- Design home-based activities for parents/carers to continue the training at home so as to consolidate the children’s learning at school/centre.
Tier-one Support services
- Provide short-term intervention for children with signs of special needs;
- Provide individual/ group on-site training or classroom support. On need basis, some of the training will be conducted in our training centres;
OPRS Waitee Services
- Provide transitional service to OPRS waitees
- Provide individual/ group on-site training or classroom support. On need basis, some of the training will be conducted in our training centres;
For School Techers/ Child Care Workers
- Through staff development, school consultation, talks, seminars, classroom support and evaluation, demonstration and case review meetings to help teachers identify children with signs of special needs; and advise on pedagogy and environment adjustment/adaptation to address the diverse needs.
For Parents and Carers
- Through counseling, talks and workshops, we help parents/carers understand their children’s needs and unleash their potentials.
- We help families embrace the challenges in raising children with special needs with positive attitudes and effective parenting skills.