Study on Financial Management Practices of University Students in Hong Kong

書名: Study on Financial Management Practices of University Students in Hong Kong
作者: Dr. CHAU Wai-lap, Director of General Education, General Education Unit of The University of Hong Kong

Dr. CHAN Shui-fun, Lecturer, Department of Psychology of The University of Hong Kong

CHAN Yin-kwan, Research Assistant, Department of Psychology of The University of Hong Kong

TWGHs Healthy Budgeting Family Debt Counselling Centre
出版年份: 2004年10月
定價: 非賣品
語言: 英文
內容簡介: Alleged high debts and frequent bad budgeting practices among university students

Such as damaged credit history, stress-related health problems, poor academic performance, and even dropout from university

As repeatedly portrayed in the media and studies in the West