Women's Welfare Club Western District, Hong Kong Residential Care Home for the Elderly

Tel: 3156 2111
Fax: 3156 1456
Address: No. 501, 5/F, Oi Sin House, Oi Tung Estate, Shaukeiwan, Hong Kong
Service Hours: 24 hours in service
Email: wwcrch@tungwah.org.hk
District: Eastern


TWGHs Women's Welfare Club Western District, Hong Kong Residential Care Home for the Elderly, being a contract home of which the operation was obtained through successful bidding and also first of its kind under the auspice of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, commenced its operation in July 2003.

The total cost for fitting-out works and purchase of furniture and equipment was 19 million. With a generous donation of 2.5 million from the Womens' Welfare Club Western District Hong Kong and an allocation of 15.6 million from the Lotteries Fund, the Home was named after the donor as "TWGHs Women's Welfare Club Western District, Hong Kong Residential Care Home for the Elderly".


The Home is committed to providing quality service in personal care, nursing care and accommodation for the elderly who are in poor health and limited self-care ability. With the provision of professional services, diversified social activities and adequate facilities in a holistic care approach, the elderly are leading a meaningful and dignified life in a cozy and homely environment.



The Home is located at a public housing estate, with established community facilities and MTR station, bus terminal and shopping centre nearby.


Each dormitory bedroom can accommodate 2 to 7 residents in a shared room with a self-contained washroom and bathroom.

Other Facilities

Sitting Area, Dining Rooms, Reading Corner, Resource Corner, Club Rooms and Activity Rooms, Reminiscence Corner, Sensory Training Room. The Home is also equipped with computers for residents' use and visual visits paid by relatives are available as well.

Service Recipients

Elders aged 65 or above who lacks self-care ability due to poor health or illness, free from contagious disease and mentally suitable for communal living.

Those aged between 60-64 with proven needs can also apply for admission.

WWCRCH 香港西區婦女福利會護養安老院
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