Mr. & Mrs. Lee Yin Yee Nursery School
Accordance with the rate set by Education Bureau (meals inclusive). Extended hours service: $13 per hour
Major Paid Items
Profile of Kindergartens and kindergarten -cum-Child Care Centres
Arrangement for admission application of non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Children
Group and/or individual interviews will be arranged in English conversation. When interviewing NCS children, interpretation and/or translation service for applicants will be provided where necessary; or parents and children are allowed to be accompanied by a Chinese/ English speaking relative/friend to facilitate communication.
Tel No: 2507 3997
Email address: mmlyyns@tungwah.org.hk
• Nursery School service: 67• Integrated Services: 6
• Occasional Child Care Service: 3
• Extended Hours Service: 22
How to Apply
Nursery School:
- Application Form
- Information on Admission
Children aged 12 months (according to birth certificate) are eligible to apply
Application Procedure:
1. In order to apply our Nursery School, please come together with your Child along with a completed
Application Form with photo attached.
1. We accept applications every Monday to Friday from 12:30pm to 5:00pm and Saturday from 9:00am to 1:00pm.
2. Please bring along your child's original and a copy birth certificate
3. Two stamped self-addressed envelopes are also required.
“Profile on Kindergartens and Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres” – our school information
Integrated Programme
Disabled children aged 12 months to 6 years old, diagnosed as having special needs could be referred by social worker to SWD (CRS Rehab-PS) to waitlist for the services.